Foxfield Saint John
Available everywhere on February 17th, 2023!

“Foxfield St. John” is not just a collection of our nine most recent songs, but instead, it is a series of stories and moments based off of experiences from our travels, our journey of growing up together, and our overall endeavors to dream and discover a beautiful path worth following.” -Noah and Chloe Gose
New Music Coming Soon — 2/17/2023 Released 2023

Album tracks

  • 1
    Monterey Square (clip)
    The Wildwoods
  • 2
    West Virginia Rain (clip)
    The Wildwoods
  • 3
    The Hard Times Have Come and Gone (clip)
    The Wildwoods
  • 4
    Thirteen Sailboats (clip)
    The Wildwoods
  • 5
    I'll Never Live in New York (clip)
    The Wildwoods
  • 6
    The Thought of Romance (clip)
    The Wildwoods
  • 7
    Like My Old Man (clip)
    The Wildwoods
  • 8
    Foxfield Saint John (clip)
    The Wildwoods
  • 9
    Painted Skies (clip)
    The Wildwoods
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